• Send self addressed stamped envelopes. Often times they don't have the time (or money) to buy stamps and write
out envelopes.
• Send him a roll of stamps so they don't have to go to the post office to buy some.
• Calling cards are a nice way to ensure he doesn't break the bank by talking to you on the phone.
• By gettting him a membership to Sam's Club/Costco/BJ's Wholesale (search online to find which one is near him)
he'll be able to get lots of barracks munchies for very little money.
• If he's a coffee drinker, he'll love it if you send him a small one-cup coffee maker complete with some filters
and ground coffee.
• Pictures of you, pictures of family, pictures of friends, pictures of home... you get the picture (ha ha). Any
and all pictures will be welcome. Be very careful with naughty ones, esp if he has a roomate! Wallet size are great because
they can go with him wherever he goes (Hint hint: the field)
• Send letters that you've recorded on tape. If he doesn't have a tape player, get a cheapie walkman and send it
to him with your tape all cued up.
• Send him a video letter if you can get your hands on a camcorder. Make sure he has a VCR!
• Make a mix tape/CD of all your favorite songs and send it to him. (Stand up comedian acts burned onto CDs make
great spirit lifters!)
• Baby wipes for quick clean ups in the field
• Magazines & Books (A note of caution: When sending a package, please keep in mind that some geographical
regions (such as the mid east) are more sensitive to materials that are abundant in the US and Europe. In particular, pornography.
And also, a technical note, US military men aren't allowed to posses anything that displays sexual penetration.)
• More expensive but GREATLY appreciated - Gameboys/Computerized games, digital cameras (it‘s tough to get
to a photo lab even when it‘s right around the corner!), and personal CD players
• Hard candy
• Ramen noodles
• Pringles
• Toiletries: toilet paper, antibacterial soap & hand gel, laundry detergent
• First aid items: cough drops, travel packs of Aspirin/Motrin, Band-Aids
• Sun Block 45 SPF
• Lollipops, chewing gum
• Beef jerky, trail mix, peanuts, Pop Tarts
• Peanut butter
• Kool-aid powder in Plastic Canisters
• Undershirts, underwear, and socks (military type of course)
• Squirt guns, yo-yos, silly putty, playing cards
• Those disposable cameras so he can take pics for you, and a SASE for him to send it home to you to develop for
• Non-perishable items (I.E.: Canned Tuna, Sardines, Canned Oysters, Vienna Sausages, Chef Boy-ar-dee meals)
Tips on sending baked goods:
• Pack small cookies into pringles cans for mailing
• Don't send chewy homemade cookies. They contain too much moisture and will go bad while in the mail.
• If you do bake your own cookies, let them cool until they are warm but not hot. Wrap them two at a time, back to
back, in small pieces of tin foil. Pack them in the smallest box possible. Fill the rest of the box with unsalted, unbuttered
popcorn to keep the moisture down.